Travel Dream West always appreciates client feedback, and we strive to provide personalized service from the moment you first contact us, throughout the tour, right until our communications with you after the tour ends. Our goal is to provide truly unique, authentic experiences of the beautiful places that we know and value.
An excerpt from the BBB article:
“They make it a very personalized experience for their guests. Often, they customize their itineraries to highlight participant’s specific interests, which is something most tour organizations don’t provide. Photographers, bird watchers, wildlife spotters and many other people with specific interests make custom tour arrangements with Travel Dream West so they can experience the Western U.S from an angle they couldn’t have found if they were driving themselves…
Travel Dream West welcomes people from all over the world to tour the Western USA. Guests from Australia, Europe, Asia, and of course the U.S have toured with Travel Dream West and often are repeat clients who enjoy coming back for other tours.
“They are people that are very interested in having that authentic adventure while still being comfortable, in quality accommodations. They want to see the world from a local perspective and that’s what we’re able to offer them,” Scholom said. “We’re able to give them the sense of really experiencing a place and getting to explore all the different aspects of it.”
Since their tours travel in small groups, guests often become like families. Throughout the tour, guests will start interacting and make lasting friendships. Sometimes they make such a great connection on the tour that they come back together to go on another tour.” – text by Jade Garcia, BBB. Full article here